Saturday, September 29, 2007

Post of the Week

Anonymous said...
The new Trog's last post was pathetic and very rehashed. It would seem to be the same comment made in a much earlier post to the "comments" section of the real Trog's blog. That comment was diced and sliced to death by other posters.New Trog: If you can't come up with something original, put this blog out of its misery and shut it down. At least the old Trog had some NEW news for the media-critic audience!


Anonymous said...

Damn Trog. Do you have multiple personalities?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't need to be guided or prodded by some blog administrator.

We live in Southeast Texas for crying out loud and there is no shortage of human stupidity here...

Look at Hwy 69...

The idiots at TXDOT did something to tear the road up that was supposed to stablize it when they black top it in the there's no money to black top it and we're stuck with a screwed up road surface that there wasn't anything wrong with in the first place.

Now they want to make the rest of 69 a toll road through Lumberton to Kountze.
UH. I thought most toll roads were a direct route through an lights, intersections...that makes it faster to get through. You know, like the Hardy Toll Road in Houston.

Come on can't just wheel out Marc Sheppard to explain away all your screw-ups...

Maybe this explains why we're not getting a new bridge over the thing will be chunks of concrete falling off that thing...

And then there's the do-nothing, say-nothing idiot media in this area...I thought your job was to ask questions and inform the public?

The only reporter that seems to like the taste of blood is Bill Leger and he mostly anchors...what a waste. I wish Bill Leger would stick a microphone in Carroll Thomas' face the way he did Julia Samuel and ask him some hard questions...instead of just harrassing restaurant managers.

Anonymous said...

Kara! Welcome back! We missed you. (Seriously... I watched her work on her blog instead of her "reporter work" at KFDM) She wants to stay connected. She never was a reporter... just a gossip with credentials.

Did working in TV really make you feel that good about yourself? Let it go, hon.

Anonymous said...

Come on new Trog… post something important like old Trog use to post.

You know, important things like anchors with cold sores and which TV talent is gaining the most weight.

Anonymous said...

I would like to go back to the old trog. At least we knew who got boob jobs, who liked what in the bed and most of all those shaved and clean thangs.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone in this market do any investigative reporting? Is there a committment to "lameness"? Why are all the 8-liners in Jefferson County being raided and shut down, while the 8-liner parlors in Orange county thrive??

Anonymous said...

Sources close to KFDM (jb)say that uncle Larry is retiring at the first of the year.

Anonymous said...

Kara, You are one sexy beast. Get back on the tube please!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trog, mabey you could use headlines to keep this blog going. Mabey the riots at skating rinks, nigh club shootings, and general topics. Try that and see if it works. Im up for that.

Anonymous said...

So who is the sexiest newspaper reporter?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Something of substance?
Everything is going just fine at KBTV, no real gossip to be spread. Our lease with the mall is coming up in the near future. With Dillard's moving and making a "megastore" on our end of the mall, we are speculating that they (the mall)will won't double for the spot we are currently in. I have only worked here a short time, but I think we pay around 10,000 a month to have the privledge of being in the mall. Believe me its not fun! NO gated parking, engineering can't put up the sats they need. Novel idea from former managment, however not practical. I hope when the lease is up we move. We could have owned our own building by now. As any financial advisor will tell you, "Renting is the same as throwing your money away".

Anonymous said...

Breaking News: Michelle M. has given her notice at KBMT 12.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the "Breaking News", Michelle!

Anonymous said...

where is mm going? when is her last day?

Anonymous said...

I heard that MM isn't the only one leaving the air in the Golden Triangle. Someone from KFDM is about to make her departure.

Anonymous said...

Well, with Michelle leaving, everyone else can stop worrying about her stealing their work and calling it her own. I have one word for her:


Anonymous said...

So what's the deal with KFDM's weekend coverage with "Darling Nikki" M.?

It's nothing but a bunch of rehashed stories from earlier in the week.

Do all the reporters at KFDM get weekends off?

I do have to say they are dead on getting Vampira to do the crime beat stories...but somebody needs to increase her blood intake...she looks tired and anemic.

And the question of the week for you people in the North End who will wax poetic on camera about a murdered neighbor but won't cooperate with police to catch her killer...

Ya' think that might be why there's so many murders in the North End?

Anonymous said...

Someone should tell KFDM that Mauriceville is not a city.

The entire city of Mauriceville was without power for about two hours this evening.
According to Entergy officials the power outage was caused by a snake crawling into the substation on Highway 62 in Mauriceville.
Nearly 3,000 customers were in the dark from 8:30 Saturday evening until around 10:00

Anonymous said...

Did u hear the news? Kline got the sports guy fired from KOLE for talking about him!

Anonymous said...

Ashley Gastn sounds like she takes to many pills

Anonymous said...

Let's discuss Why Jefferson County has a problem w/ the YMBL replacing the electrical boxes. First, Ymbl guys didn't take bids. They used there own members to do the work. "I have no problem w/ this". Being that they had a short time to get it done. However, being that Ford Park is run by the county puts the council liable. For the sake of the county I would love to see them sell Ford Park off to Walter Umphrey or Tracy Bird. A private company would have the gumpsion to make that area a place to go. JEFFERSON COUNTY HAS NO BUISNESS IN ENTERTAINMENT. It sucks that "SMG" is the same company that runs the WOODLANDS in Houston. I don't blame SMG for not booking bands here. Why would they. There's no reason to bet against Houston. Jefferson County voters, you should yell LOUD for a new managment firm, or owner. It would be nice to have top acts all summer all long.

Anonymous said...

when is the kfdm person leaving? who will replace?

Anonymous said...

Someone at KOLE beat his wife up pretty good the other night.

Anonymous said...

Time to fire the new management.

Anonymous said...

This Website Sucks So Freaking Badly.. I will NEVER visit this blog again.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hellllloooooooo, anyone hommmmmeeee?


Anonymous said...

How Come This Post Of the Week is almost a month old????

Anonymous said...

Michelle McCalope has taken a job with CNN as a political reporter anchor in Atlanta,she starts november the 1st making six figures,she has also taken vice president of the NABJ in Atlanta,

troglodyte said...

What would it take to get my site back considering that you are not updating it?

Send me an email at

Anonymous said...

Special Announcement

Two years ago the Southeast Texas Political Review entered into an agreement with KOLE to produce and air a one hour radio show on Saturday mornings. Within six weeks the show expanded into a two hour show that has been both controversial and informative to the listeners. We have produced and aired 109 shows over the past two years.

This past month, it was announced that KOLE radio has been sold to another company. During this time of the transition between the two companies, the owners of KOLE have made a decision to cut back expenses of the station. In such, shows are being canceled and on air personalities have been told that the station will be cutting back on production and personnel such as producers over the next two weeks.

The Review over the past two days has been in negotiations with the current owners of KOLE and the new owners of KOLE to keep the SETPR Radio show on the air during the transition and into the new ownership. Unfortunately those negotiations have failed and this morning the KOLE owners were informed that we not extend our agreement with either party effective immediately.

On behalf of all of us here at the Review I would like to thank a few people.

First, the McBride’s, Cynthia and Ralph who own KOLE and have sold the station and are getting ready for their next adventure in their lives. We wish them nothing but the best and good luck.

Second, Dominick Brasia, who is the program director with the station who has been working with us over the past 48 hours in trying to come to a deal. Not only is Brasia a great leader, but he is honest and hard working.

Third, we would like to thank all of the production staff, and most of all senior producer Jeff Roberts. When you talk about talent, you are talking about Jeff Roberts. All of our producers call takers and assistants that helped with the show have always had one idea in mind – making great radio. And we think we did just that.

And last and most important we thank you the listeners. Some hate us, some like us, some refused to admit they listened, but all participated. And I know that I enjoyed each and every show produced. I want each of you that listened to know that I tried hard to be entertaining, but when you do a show you realize fast how talented guys like Brasha, Piper, Caldwell and others in the market really are. I have never and will never – ever – have 1/10th of the talent these guys have.

Now the rumor mill will start. The truth is KOLE is in the process of shutting down and new owners coming in to take over whatever is left. They may, or may not, keep the same format. That is up to them. We hope and pray and that the new owners will do well. That the employees that have been let go and those that are riding it out to the end do well. And most of all we have hope for their families that during this time of transition they find a good job in the media world. Remember, we here at the Review enjoy success and we want everyone no matter what they do to succeed in life. No matter what side of the fence you are on.

As for our show, we are negotiating with another station in a new deal and if that does not work out and is good for all parties, we will explore the new frontier of INET Radio. We have hired a firm to start that process.

So, on behalf of everyone involved with our show, we thank you for listening over the past two years and we thank you for your calls, comments, and most of all taking time to listen to us.

We will still continue to write on the Internet and will continue to tell the story behind the story in Southeast Texas Politics.

Philip R. Klein, Editor

Anonymous said...

someone get this blog back up and running!!!