Sunday, September 23, 2007

Post of the Week

Anonymous said...
Channel 4 does seem to send the "appropriate" person to cover things. Did you see that pkg about Kevin Everett monday? They sent some black dude, who I've never seen before, to cover the story. Maybe channel 4 thinks it's a language thing. Let's send the spanish speakers to cover mexican day and let's send the ebonics speaker to port arthur.


Anonymous said...

Common on. You can do better than this with the commentary on your site.

Anonymous said...

It's called PANDERING. All of the news stations do it in this area...they think we're too dumb to notice.

Anonymous said...

...and since it looks like we're getting "racial" this week...

What's up with this whole Jena 6 thing?

Some dumbass hanging a noose on a tree is on the same level of 6 people ganging up on and beating the crap out of someone?

What do you call that?


Anonymous said...

Come on Trog, you're making Klein look like a genius. You can do better or shut down the blog.

Anonymous said...

I think it makes perfect sense.

You can call it whatever you'd like, but someone who is African-American can often get better interviews from other African-Americans simply because there is some common ground.

That's not to say that people who are not of color cannot do a fair and balanced job, but there are those issues where a base commonalty helps in terms of having sources be more comfortable.

Anonymous said...

insignificant and boring

Anonymous said...

Its official, based upon tonight's program, Channel 12 is employing a trained chimp to produce its newscast...either that or a team of highly skilled 1st graders.

I was surprised to see KBMT's star reporter Michelle McCalope reporting on a story Channel 4's new guy covered 2 days ago. She even asked Beaumont Police Officer Carmen Apple the same questions. Laughably, she went so far as to compare Beaumont's high homicide rate (16 murders this year and counting) to Port Arthur's relatively low homicide rate (only 4). She looked past the fact that sometimes up to 7 or 8 people are shot, stabbed or raped in Port Arthur every weekend. (They just happen not to die)

And the press club award goes to Channel 12 for their innovative story about Iran's visiting president Ahmadinejad, heh. The story consisted of various shots of Lamar students walking around campus, and then something like 7 different sound bites from the always-insightful random Lamar students. One even made reference to 9/11, as if to imply Iran was to blame. Not one shot of Ahmadinejad, Not one shot of Columbia University. I have seen better news on the Lamar Channel.

Anonymous said...

yea, like when they sent nicole murray to cover the night club shooting in Beaumont, where the non educated, thugs wanted to complain about being thrown out of the club after an asshole with an AK-47 rifle opened up. She was probably there in the middle of it....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The new Trog's last post was pathetic and very rehashed. It would seem to be the same comment made in a much earlier post to the "comments" section of the real Trog's blog. That comment was diced and sliced to death by other posters.

New Trog: If you can't come up with something original, put this blog out of its misery and shut it down. At least the old Trog had some NEW news for the media-critic audience!

Anonymous said...

Now let me get this straight.

As I recall the AFA used to have their tournaments at the Athletic Complex on College Steet in Beaumont. As I remember it was a pretty good relationship between Beaumont and the AFA.

Then, the genius' (who needs to name them: we know who they are, and all but one are still around) who brought you Ford Park decided (as something to sell Ford Park initially to the dumb DEMO-CHATEL that constitutes most of the population of Jefferson County) to build baseball fields at Ford Park and make them bigger and better because the AFA brought alot of money to local hotels and restaurants.

Apparently the county got ripped off (no suprise there) by the contractors hired to do the job because a few years later the fields needed to be "refurbished".

Then, last year, the boneheads that manage Ford Park got into a brew-ha-ha with someone in the AFA. Do you think the dumbasses at Ford Park realize that wasn't such a good idea now? Probably not.

But it only took the County and Ford Park a few years to destroy what Beaumont and the AFA had as a good thing.

Beaumont got screwed. They must be pissed up at City Hall today.

But maybe this will be a lesson to Kyle Hayes and company in the future...


Anonymous said...

While I'm at it today:

I don't care what or when the administrator of this blog posts comments.

This is an opportunity for me to posts my thoughts about things going on in this community, rather than just yelling at the T.V. news anchors every night.

For those of you too vacant to have an opinion other than "BORING", please go back to you computer games and leave adult things to adults...

Anonymous said...

Rank the anchors in Beaumont. Since no one has anything better to talk about..

Anonymous said...

You've got to love this headline:

Country-western star Cling Black wrangles Orange audience with his music, humor

The folks at The Beaumont Enterprise have outdone themselves.

Anonymous said...

Here's another one:

Trikke treker returns to Beaumont

The dictionary spells "trekker" with two k's. I wonder if Tim Kelly reads this site.

Anonymous said...

a reporter was injured in the line of duty this week,she suffered a blow to the head from a co-worker and took two days off for the serious injury,sources say that shawn murdock hit michelle McCalope in the forehead with a ding dong,yes a chocolate covered ding dong,this sounds like it could turn into a big lawsuit over at kbmt,getting hit with a ding dong might be considered a foodall offense,our prayers got out for the ding dong,rumor has it that she threw it back at him,murdock has since been told not to bring anymore ding dongs to work,souces say he might bring twinkies this week

Anonymous said...

and that is why the reporter quit

Anonymous said...

No Shawn should throw some fired chicken and watermelonat Michelle next time. Bet she wont cry them.